
Terms and Conditions for Lie Detector

Last Updated: September 12, 2024

Welcome to Lie Detector!

These Terms of Service ("Terms") govern your use of the Lie Detector website at ("Website") and the services provided by Lie Detector (Merlinsbeard Pty Ltd). By using our Website and services, you agree to these Terms.

1. Description of Service

Lie Detector is an automatic fact-checking tool that analyzes content from various platforms such as Twitter/X, Reddit, YouTube, news websites, or any other website to identify potential inaccuracies or fake news. By subscribing, users may create and share "Lie Detection" pages based on their fact-checking results.

2. Agreement to Terms and Conditions

This Agreement takes effect on the date on which you first use the Lie Detector application.

3. Unlimited Access Software License with Termination Rights

The Lie Detector Software License allows users to access the full functionality of the app through a subscription or promotional code. Tailored for individuals and organizations that require fact-checking and content validation, the service empowers users to create sharable “Lie Detection” pages.

This license is subject to flexible terms, including subscription-based access or free-tier usage limits. However, the licensor retains the right to terminate or revoke access without prior notice or specific reasons, ensuring that the service remains adaptable to changing circumstances or usage violations.

By subscribing to the Lie Detector Software License, users acknowledge and accept the licensor's right to terminate access at any time, with or without cause.

4. User Responsibilities

By using Lie Detector, you agree to:

- Provide accurate information, including your name, email, and payment details.
- Use the service for lawful purposes only. Do not engage in any illegal activities.
- Be at least 18 years old to use the service.

5. Disclaimer of Accuracy

While we strive to provide accurate and reliable information, Lie Detector cannot guarantee the complete accuracy of the fact-checking results. The service is for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon for any legal or professional decisions.

It is not warranted that Lie Detector will meet your requirements or that its operation will be uninterrupted or error-free. All express and implied warranties or conditions not stated in this Agreement (including without limitation, loss of profits, loss or corruption of data, business interruption, or loss of contracts), so far as such exclusion or disclaimer is permitted under applicable law, are excluded and expressly disclaimed. This Agreement does not affect your statutory rights.

6. Warranties and Limitation of Liability

Lie Detector does not provide any warranty or guarantee regarding the quality, fitness for purpose, or otherwise of the software or services. We shall not be liable to you by reason of any representation (unless fraudulent), or any implied warranty, condition, or other term, or any duty at common law, for any loss of profit, indirect, special, or consequential loss, damage, costs, expenses, or other claims (whether caused by our negligence or otherwise) arising out of or in connection with the provision of any goods or services by Lie Detector.

In the event that Lie Detector is deemed liable to you for breach of this Agreement, you agree that our liability is limited to the amount actually paid by you for the service or software.

You hereby release Lie Detector from any and all obligations, liabilities, and claims in excess of this limitation.

7. Responsibilities for User-Generated Content

Lie Detector is not responsible for the accuracy or legality of user-generated content, including the fact-checking results or “Lie Detection” pages. Users are solely responsible for their content and its distribution.

8. Data Collection

We collect personal data such as your name, email, and payment information, as necessary to provide our services. We also collect non-personal data through cookies. For more information, please review our Privacy Policy:

9. Governing Law

This Agreement is governed by the laws of Australia. You acknowledge that no joint venture, partnership, employment, or agency relationship exists between you and Lie Detector as a result of your use of these services. You agree not to hold yourself out as a representative, agent, or employee of Lie Detector. You agree that Lie Detector will not be liable by reason of any representation, act, or omission to act by you.

Any disputes arising out of or related to the use of this service will be subject to the jurisdiction of Australian courts.

10. Age Requirement

By using this service, you confirm that you are at least 18 years of age. If you are under 18, you are not permitted to use Lie Detector.

11. Updates to the Terms

We reserve the right to update these Terms & Services at any time. Users will be notified of any changes by email.

For any questions or concerns regarding these Terms of Service, please contact us at [email protected].

Thank you for using Lie Detector!